Bibliography on Agroecology Transitions and Transformation

This is a bibliography on agroecology transitions. A collection of research articles that we have flagged as directly relevant for agroecology transitions and transformations. We are using this bibliography for the production of a book on agroecology transformation (set for publication in November 2020). Email: if you have suggestions for new entries.


(Last Updated March 1, 2020)

  • Acevedo-Osorio, Á. and J.K. Chohan 2019. Agroecology as Social Movement and Practice in Cabrera’s Peasant Reserve Zone, Colombia. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems: 1-21. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2019.1623359
  • Addinsall, C. 2019. Agroecology and Sustainable Livelihoods as a Framework to Empower Rural Ni Vanuatu Women. In Integrating Gender in Agricultural Development, eds. N. Rihai, S.-P. Lila and C. Michelle, 105-120: Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Adelle, C. 2019. The Role of Knowledge in Food Democracy. Politics and Governance 7. doi: 10.17645/pag.v7i4.2084
  • Affholder, F., C. Bessou, J. Lairez and P. Feschet 2019. Assessment of Trade-Offs between Environmental and Socio-Economic Issues in Agroecological Systems. In The Agroecological Transition of Agricultural Systems in the Global South, eds. F.-X. Côte and E.P. Poirier-Magona, Sylvain Roudier Philippe, Bruno Rapidel Thirion, Marie-Cécile, 219-238. Versailles, France: Ed Quae.
  • Ajates Gonzalez, R., J. Thomas and M. Chang 2018. Translating Agroecology into Policy: The Case of France and the United Kingdom. Sustainability 10. doi: 10.3390/su10082930
  • Altieri, M.A. and C.I. Nicholls 2017. Agroecology: A Brief Account of Its Origins and Currents of Thought in Latin America. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 41: 231-237. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2017.1287147
  • Alvarado, F., S. Siura and A. Manrique 2017. Peru: Agroecological Movement History 1980–2015. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 41: 366-379. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2017.1287148
  • Álvarez-Salas, L. and A. Gálvez-Abadía 2014. Food Sovereignty in a Socioecological Transformation Context in the Caribbean Darién of Colombia. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 38: 812-838. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2014.881951
  • Alves, A. and M. Nenevé 2019. Agroecology, the Interaction between Agriculture and Environment: An Example from Cuba. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science 6: 216-221. doi: 10.22161/ijaers.610.33
  • Anderson, C.R., J. Bruil, M.J. Chappell, C. Kiss and M.P. Pimbert 2019. From Transition to Domains of Transformation: Getting to Sustainable and Just Food Systems through Agroecology. Sustainability 11. doi: 10.3390/su11195272
  • Anderson, C.R., C. Maughan and M.P. Pimbert 2019. Transformative Agroecology Learning in Europe: Building Consciousness, Skills and Collective Capacity for Food Sovereignty. Agriculture and Human Values 36: 531-547. doi: 10.1007/s10460-018-9894-0
  • Astier, M., J.Q. Argueta, Q. Orozco-Ramírez, M.V. González, J. Morales, P.R.W. Gerritsen, M.A. Escalona, F.J. Rosado-May, J. Sánchez-Escudero, T. Martínez Saldaña, C. Sánchez-Sánchez, R. Arzuffi Barrera, F. Castrejón, H. Morales, L. Soto, R. Mariaca, B. Ferguson, P. Rosset, H. Ramírez, R. Jarquin, F. García-Moya, M. Ambrosion Montoya and C. González-Esquivel 2017. Back to the Roots: Understanding Current Agroecological Movement, Science, and Practice in Mexico. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 41: 329-348. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2017.1287809
  • Audouin, E., J.E. Bergez and O. Therond 2019. Participatory Methodology for Designing an Agroecological Transition at Local Level. In Agroecological Transitions: From Theory to Practice in Local Participatory Design, 177-206.
  • Azevedo, E.d. and M.C.F. Pelicioni 2012. Agroecologia E Promoção Da Saúde No Brasil. Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 31: 290-295. doi: 10.1590/s1020-49892012000400004
  • Baker, L., B. Gemmill–Herren and F. Leippert 2019. Accelerating Transformations to Sustainable Food Systems. In Accelerating Transformations to Sustainable Food Systems: Beacons of Hope.
  • Bensadon, L.S. 2019. A Agroecologia Como Um Problema Público: Um Olhar a Partir Da Trajetória Da Articulação Nacional De Agroecologia. Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente 50. doi: 10.5380/dma.v50i0.57650
  • Benyei, P., L. Calvet-Mir, V. Reyes-García and M. Rivera-Ferre 2020. Resistance to Traditional Agroecological Knowledge Erosion in Industrialized Contexts: A Study in La Plana De Vic (Catalonia). Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems: 1-29. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2020.1712571
  • Bertrand, B., J.-C. Breitler, F. Georget, E. Penot, M. Bordeaux, P. Marraccini, S. Leran, C. Campa, O. Bonato, L. Villain and H. Etienne 2019. New Varieties for Innovative Agroforestry Coffee Systems. In The Agroecological Transition of Agricultural Systems in the Global South, eds. F.-X. Côte and E.P. Poirier-Magona, Sylvain Roudier Philippe, Bruno Rapidel Thirion, Marie-Cécile, 161-176. Versailles, France: Ed Quae.
  • Beudou, J., G. Martin and J. Ryschawy 2017. Cultural and Territorial Vitality Services Play a Key Role in Livestock Agroecological Transition in France. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 37. doi: 10.1007/s13593-017-0436-8
  • Bezerra, L.P., F.S. Franco, V.F. Souza-Esquerdo and R. Borsatto 2018. Participatory Construction in Agroforestry Systems in Family Farming: Ways for the Agroecological Transition in Brazil. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 43: 180-200. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2018.1509167
  • Binder, N. and C. Vogl 2018. Participatory Guarantee Systems in Peru: Two Case Studies in Lima and Apurímac and the Role of Capacity Building in the Food Chain. Sustainability 10: 4644. doi: 10.3390/su10124644
  • Borsatto, R.S., M.A. Altieri, H.C. Duval and J. Perez-Cassarino 2019. Public Procurement as Strategy to Foster Organic Transition: Insights from the Brazilian Experience. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems: 1-9. doi: 10.1017/S174217051900036X
  • Borsatto, R.S. and V.F. Souza-Esquerdo 2019. Mst’s Experience in Leveraging Agroecology in Rural Settlements: Lessons, Achievements, and Challenges. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 43: 915-935. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2019.1615024
  • Brescia, S. 2017. Fertile Ground: Scaling Agroecology from the Ground Up. Oakland: Food First. 
  • Calvet-Mir, L., P. Benyei, L. Aceituno-Mata, M. Pardo-de-Santayana, D. López-García, M. Carrascosa-García, A. Perdomo-Molina and V. Reyes-García 2018. The Contribution of Traditional Agroecological Knowledge as a Digital Commons to Agroecological Transitions: The Case of the Conect-E Platform. Sustainability 10: 3214. doi: 10.3390/su10093214
  • Candiotto, L.Z.P. 2018. Organic Products Policy in Brazil. Land Use Policy 71: 422-430. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.12.014
  • Carlisle, L., M. Montenegro de Wit, M.S. DeLonge, A. Iles, A. Calo, C. Getz, J. Ory, K. Munden-Dixon, R. Galt, B. Melone, R. Knox and D. Press 2019. Transitioning to Sustainable Agriculture Requires Growing and Sustaining an Ecologically Skilled Workforce. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 3. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2019.00096
  • Casimiro Rodríguez, L. and J.A. Casimiro González 2018. How to Make Prosperous and Sustainable Family Farming in Cuba a Reality. Elem Sci Anth 6. doi: 10.1525/elementa.324
  • Castellanos-Navarrete, A. and K. Jansen 2018. Is Oil Palm Expansion a Challenge to Agroecology? Smallholders Practising Industrial Farming in Mexico. Journal of Agrarian Change 18: 132-155. doi: 10.1111/joac.12195
  • Catacora-Vargas, G., A. Piepenstock, C. Sotomayor, D. Cuentas, A. Cruz and F. Delgado 2017. Brief Historical Review of Agroecology in Bolivia. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 41: 429-447. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2017.1290732
  • Cerdan, C., E. Biénabe, H. David-Benz, S. Lemeilleur, D. Marie-Vivien, I. Vagneron and P. Moustier 2019. What Market Dynamics for Promoting an Agroecological Transition? In The Agroecological Transition of Agricultural Systems in the Global South, eds. F.-X. Côte and E.P. Poirier-Magona, Sylvain Roudier Philippe, Bruno Rapidel Thirion, Marie-Cécile, 271-291. Versailles, France: Ed Quae.
  • Chable, V., E. Nuijten, A. Costanzo, I. Goldringer, R. Bocci, B. Oehen, F. Rey, D. Fasoula, J. Feher, M. Keskitalo, B. Koller, M. Omirou, P. Mendes-Moreira, G. van Frank, A.K. Naino Jika, M. Thomas and A. Rossi 2020. Embedding Cultivated Diversity in Society for Agro-Ecological Transition. Sustainability 12. doi: 10.3390/su12030784
  • Cockburn, J. 2015. Local Knowledge/Lacking Knowledge: Contradictions in Participatory Agroecology Development in Bolivia. Anthropologica 57: 169-183. 
  • Compagnone, C., C. Lamine and L. Dupré 2018. The Production and Circulation of Agricultural Knowledge as Interrogated by Agroecology. Of Old and New. Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances 12, 2: a-aa. doi: 10.3917/rac.039.a
  • Coolsaet, B. 2016. Towards an Agroecology of Knowledges: Recognition, Cognitive Justice and Farmers’ Autonomy in France. Journal of Rural Studies 47: 165-171. doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2016.07.012
  • Copeland, N. 2018. Meeting Peasants Where They Are: Cultivating Agroecological Alternatives in Neoliberal Guatemala. The Journal of Peasant Studies 46: 831-852. doi: 10.1080/03066150.2017.1410142
  • Côte, F.-X., B. Rapidel, J.-M. Sourisseau, F. Affholder, P. Caron, J.-P. Deguine, G. Faure, E. Hainzelin, E. Malézieux, E. Poirier-Magona, P. Roudier, E. Scopel, P. Tixier, A. Toillier and S. Perret 2019. Agroecological Transition of Agriculture in the Countries of the Global South: Taking Stock and Perspectives. In The Agroecological Transition of Agricultural Systems in the Global South, eds. F.-X. Côte and E.P. Poirier-Magona, Sylvain Roudier Philippe, Bruno Rapidel Thirion, Marie-Cécile, 327-349. Versailles, France: Ed Quae.
  • Cross, R. and P. Ampt 2016. Exploring Agroecological Sustainability: Unearthing Innovators and Documenting a Community of Practice in Southeast Australia. Society & Natural Resources 30: 585-600. doi: 10.1080/08941920.2016.1230915
  • da Costa, M.B.B., M. Souza, V.M. Júnior, J.J. Comin and P.E. Lovato 2017. Agroecology Development in Brazil between 1970 and 2015. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 41: 276-295. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2017.1285382
  • Dale, B. 2020. Alliances for Agroecology: From Climate Change to Food System Change. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems: 1-24. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2019.1697787
  • De Molina, G., P.F. Petersen, F.G. Peña and F.R. Capor 2019. Political Agroecology: Advancing the Transition to Sustainable Food Systems. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 
  • Deaconu, A., G. Mercille and M. Batal 2019. The Agroecological Farmer’s Pathways from Agriculture to Nutrition: A Practice-Based Case from Ecuador’s Highlands. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 58: 142-165. doi: 10.1080/03670244.2019.1570179
  • Deguine, J.-P., J.-N. Aubertot, J.-C. De Cambiaire, C. Cresson, M.h. Fares, G. Lambert, M. Marquier, T. Nurbel, P. Laurent, L. Vanhuffel and D. Vincenot 2019. Development of Agroecological Horticultural Systems in Réunion. In The Agroecological Transition of Agricultural Systems in the Global South, eds. F.-X. Côte and E.P. Poirier-Magona, Sylvain Roudier Philippe, Bruno Rapidel Thirion, Marie-Cécile, 127-140. Versailles, France: Ed Quae.
  • DeLonge, M.S., A. Miles and L. Carlisle 2016. Investing in the Transition to Sustainable Agriculture. Environmental Science & Policy 55: 266-273. doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2015.09.013
  • Domené-Painenao, O. and F.F. Herrera 2019. Situated Agroecology: Massification and Reclaiming University Programs in Venezuela. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 43: 936-953. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2019.1617223
  • Dumont, A.M., P. Gasselin and P.V. Baret 2020. Transitions in Agriculture: Three Frameworks Highlighting Coexistence between a New Agroecological Configuration and an Old, Organic and Conventional Configuration of Vegetable Production in Wallonia (Belgium). Geoforum 108: 98-109. doi:
  • Dumont, B., L. Fortun-Lamothe, M. Jouven, M. Thomas and M. Tichit 2013. Prospects from Agroecology and Industrial Ecology for Animal Production in the 21st Century. Animal 7: 1028-1043. doi: 10.1017/S1751731112002418
  • Duru, M., O. Therond and M.h. Fares 2015. Designing Agroecological Transitions; a Review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 35: 1237-1257. doi: 10.1007/s13593-015-0318-x
  • Einbinder, N., H. Morales, M. Mier Y Terán-Giménez Cacho, M. Aldasoro, B.G. Ferguson and R. Nigh 2019. Agroecology on the Periphery: A Case from the Maya-Achí Territory, Guatemala. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 43: 744-763. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2019.1585401
  • Emeana, E.M., L. Trenchard, K. Dehnen-Schmutz and S. Shaikh 2018. Evaluating the Role of Public Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services in Promoting Agro-Ecology Transition in Southeast Nigeria. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 43: 123-144. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2018.1509410
  • Ferguson, B.G., M.A. Maya, O. Giraldo, M.M.y. Terán Giménez Cacho, H. Morales and P. Rosset 2019. Special Issue Editorial: What Do We Mean by Agroecological Scaling? Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 43: 722-723. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2019.1630908
  • Ferguson, B.G., H. Morales, K. Chung and R. Nigh 2019. Scaling out Agroecology from the School Garden: The Importance of Culture, Food, and Place. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 43: 724-743. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2019.1591565
  • Fernandez, M., J. Williams, G. Figueroa, G. Graddy Lovelace, M. Machado, L. Vasquez, N. Perez, L. Casimiro, G. Romero and F. Funes Aguilar 2018. New Opportunities, New Challenges: Harnessing Cuba’s Advances in Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture in the Context of Changing Relations with the United States. Elem Sci Anth 6. doi: 10.1525/elementa.337
  • Ferreira, E.L., R.A. Barros and P.D. Bevilacqua 2020. Women Working in Animal Husbandry: A Study in the Agroecological Transition Context. Ciencia Rural 50. 
  • García López, V., O.F. Giraldo, H. Morales, P.M. Rosset and J.M. Duarte 2019. Seed Sovereignty and Agroecological Scaling: Two Cases of Seed Recovery, Conservation, and Defense in Colombia. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 43: 827-847. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2019.1578720
  • García-Llorente, M., I. Pérez-Ramírez, C. Sabán de la Portilla, C. Haro and A. Benito 2019. Agroecological Strategies for Reactivating the Agrarian Sector: The Case of Agrolab in Madrid. Sustainability 11: 1181. doi: 10.3390/su11041181
  • Gazzano, I. and A. Gómez Perazzoli 2017. Agroecology in Uruguay. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 41: 380-400. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2017.1286533
  • Giraldo, O.F. and N. McCune 2019. Can the State Take Agroecology to Scale? Public Policy Experiences in Agroecological Territorialization from Latin America. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 43: 785-809. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2019.1585402
  • Giraldo, O.F. and P.M. Rosset 2017. Agroecology as a Territory in Dispute: Between Institutionality and Social Movements. The Journal of Peasant Studies 45: 545-564. doi: 10.1080/03066150.2017.1353496
  • Gliessman, S. 2017. A Brief History of Agroecology in Spain and Latin America. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 41: 229-230. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2017.1292390
  • González de Molina, M. and G.I. Guzmán 2017. On the Andalusian Origins of Agroecology in Spain and Its Contribution to Shaping Agroecological Thought. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 41: 256-275. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2017.1280111
  • Goris, M., L. Van den Berg, I. Da Silva Lopes, J. Behagel, G. Verschoor and E. Turnhout 2019. Resignification Practices of Youth in Zona Da Mata, Brazil in the Transition toward Agroecology. Sustainability 11. doi: 10.3390/su11010197
  • Gregory, L., J. Plahe and S. Cockfield 2017. The Marginalisation and Resurgence of Traditional Knowledge Systems in India: Agro-Ecological ‘Islands of Success’ or a Wave of Change? South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 40: 582-599. doi: 10.1080/00856401.2017.1336686
  • Guerra, J., J. Blesh, A.L. Schmitt Filho and H. Wittman 2017. Pathways to Agroecological Management through Mediated Markets in Santa
  •  Catarina, Brazil. Elem Sci Anth 5. doi: 10.1525/elementa.248
  • Guerrero Lara, L., L. Pereira, F. Ravera and A. Jiménez-Aceituno 2019. Flipping the Tortilla: Social-Ecological Innovations and Traditional Ecological Knowledge for More Sustainable Agri-Food Systems in Spain. Sustainability 11: 1222. doi: 10.3390/su11051222
  • Gürcan, E.C. 2014. Cuban Agriculture and Food Sovereignty. Latin American Perspectives 41: 129-146. doi: 10.1177/0094582×13518750
  • Guzmán Luna, A., B.G. Ferguson, O. Giraldo, B. Schmook and E.M. Aldasoro Maya 2019. Agroecology and Restoration Ecology: Fertile Ground for Mexican Peasant Territoriality? Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 43: 1174-1200. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2019.1624284
  • Guzmán Luna, A., B.G. Ferguson, B. Schmook, O.F. Giraldo and E.M. Aldasoro Maya 2019. Territorial Resilience the Third Dimension of Agroecological Scaling: Approximations from Three Peasant Experiences in the South of Mexico. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 43: 764-784. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2019.1622619
  • Hatanaka, M. 2020. Technocratic and Deliberative Governance for Sustainability: Rethinking the Roles of Experts, Consumers, and Producers. Agriculture and Human Values. doi: 10.1007/s10460-019-10012-9
  • Herrera, F.F., O. Domené-Painenao and J.M. Cruces 2017. The History of Agroecology in Venezuela: A Complex and Multifocal Process. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 41: 401-415. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2017.1285842
  • Hillenkamp, I. 2019. ¿Cultivar Su Autonomía? La Agroecología De Las Agricultoras Brasileñas. Revista de Antropología Social 28: 297-322. doi: 10.5209/raso.65616
  • Horlings, L.G. and T.K. Marsden 2011. Towards the Real Green Revolution? Exploring the Conceptual Dimensions of a New Ecological Modernisation of Agriculture That Could ‘Feed the World’. Global Environmental Change 21: 441-452. doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2011.01.004
  • Huambachano, M.A. 2019. Indigenous Food Sovereignty: Reclaiming Food as Sacred Medicine in Aotearoa New Zealand and Peru. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 43: 3383. doi: 10.20417/nzjecol.43.39
  • Intriago, R., R. Gortaire Amézcua, E. Bravo and C. O’Connell 2017. Agroecology in Ecuador: Historical Processes, Achievements, and Challenges. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 41: 311-328. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2017.1284174
  • IPES-Food 2016. From Uniformity to Diversity: A Paradigm Shift from Industrial Agriculture to Diversified Agroecological Systems. International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (Ipes). 
  • IPES-Food 2018. Breaking Away from Industrial Food and Farming Systems: Seven Case Studies of Agroecological Transition. 
  • Isaac, M., S. Isakson, B. Dale, C. Levkoe, S. Hargreaves, V. Méndez, H. Wittman, C. Hammelman, J. Langill, A. Martin, E. Nelson, M. Ekers, K. Borden, S. Gagliardi, S. Buchanan, S. Archibald and A. Gálvez Ciani 2018. Agroecology in Canada: Towards an Integration of Agroecological Practice, Movement, and Science. Sustainability 10: 3299. doi: 10.3390/su10093299
  • Isgren, E. 2016. No Quick Fixes: Four Interacting Constraints to Advancing Agroecology in Uganda. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 14: 428-447. doi: 10.1080/14735903.2016.1144699
  • Isgren, E. and B. Ness 2017. Agroecology to Promote Just Sustainability Transitions: Analysis of a Civil Society Network in the Rwenzori Region, Western Uganda. Sustainability 9. doi: 10.3390/su9081357
  • Jagoret, P., F. Ruf, A. Du Castel, J.-M. Harmand, S. Rafflegeau, S. Saj, D. Snoeck and T. Wibaux 2019. Agroforestry: Diversified Practices for the Agroecological Transition of African Cacao Farming. In The Agroecological Transition of Agricultural Systems in the Global South, eds. F.-X. Côte and E.P. Poirier-Magona, Sylvain Roudier Philippe, Bruno Rapidel Thirion, Marie-Cécile, 59-73. Versailles, France: Ed Quae.
  • Jiggins, J. 2014. Agroecology: Adaptation and Mitigation Potential and Policies for Climate Change. In Global Environmental Change, ed. B. Freedman, 733-743. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
  • Jiren, T.S., I. Dorresteijn, J. Hanspach, J. Schultner, A. Bergsten, A. Manlosa, N. Jager, F. Senbeta and J. Fischer 2020. Alternative Discourses around the Governance of Food Security: A Case Study from Ethiopia. Global Food Security 24: 100338. doi:
  • Kapgen, D. and L. Roudart 2020. Proposal of a Principle Cum Scale Analytical Framework for Analyzing Agroecological Development Projects. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems: 1-26. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2020.1724582
  • Karriem, A., E. Michael, H. Gillian, K. Stefan and L. Alex 2013. Space, Ecology, and Politics in the Praxis of the Brazilian Landless Movement. Gramsci: Space, nature, politics: 142-160. 
  • Khadse, A. and P.M. Rosset 2019. Zero Budget Natural Farming in India – from Inception to Institutionalization. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 43: 848-871. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2019.1608349
  • Khadse, A., P.M. Rosset, H. Morales and B.G. Ferguson 2017. Taking Agroecology to Scale: The Zero Budget Natural Farming Peasant Movement in Karnataka, India. The Journal of Peasant Studies 45: 192-219. doi: 10.1080/03066150.2016.1276450
  • L. Resque, A., E. Coudel, M.-G. Piketty, N. Cialdella, T. Sá, M. Piraux, W. Assis and C. Le Page 2019. Agrobiodiversity and Public Food Procurement Programs in Brazil: Influence of Local Stakeholders in Configuring Green Mediated Markets. Sustainability 11: 1425. doi: 10.3390/su11051425
  • Lamine, C., D. Magda and M.-J. Amiot 2019. Crossing Sociological, Ecological, and Nutritional Perspectives on Agrifood Systems Transitions: Towards a Transdisciplinary Territorial Approach. Sustainability 11. doi: 10.3390/su11051284
  • Lanka, S.V., I. Khadaroo and S. Böhm 2017. Agroecology Accounting: Biodiversity and Sustainable Livelihoods from the Margins. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 30: 1592-1613. doi: 10.1108/aaaj-12-2015-2363
  • Le Coq, J.-F., E. Sabourin, M. Bonin, S. Freguin-Gresh, J. Marzin, P.A. Niederle, M.M. Patrouilleau and L. Vázquez 2019. Public Policies Supporting Agroecology in Latin America: Lessons and Perspectives. In The Agroecological Transition of Agricultural Systems in the Global South, eds. F.-X. Côte and E.P. Poirier-Magona, Sylvain Roudier Philippe, Bruno Rapidel Thirion, Marie-Cécile, 313-325. Versailles, France: Ed Quae.
  • León-Sicard, T., M.S. De Prager and Á. Acevedo Osorio 2017. Toward a History of Agroecology in Colombia. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 41: 296-310. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2017.1285843
  • Levidow, L. 2015. European Transitions Towards a Corporate-Environmental Food Regime: Agroecological Incorporation or Contestation? Journal of Rural Studies 40: 76-89. doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2015.06.001
  • Levidow, L., M. Pimbert and G. Vanloqueren 2014. Agroecological Research: Conforming—or Transforming the Dominant Agro-Food Regime? Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 38: 1127-1155. doi: 10.1080/21683565.2014.951459
  • Levidow, L., D. Sansolo and M. Schiavinatto 2019. Agroecological Practices as Territorial Development: An Analytical Schema from Brazilian Case Studies. The Journal of Peasant Studies: 1-26. doi: 10.1080/03066150.2019.1683003
  • Lienhard, P., J.-C. Castella, P. Ferrand, M. Cournarie, P. D’Aquino, E. Scopel and N. Bougnoux 2019. Accompanying the Actors of the Agroecological Transition in Laos. In The Agroecological Transition of Agricultural Systems in the Global South, eds. F.-X. Côte and E.P. Poirier-Magona, Sylvain Roudier Philippe, Bruno Rapidel Thirion, Marie-Cécile, 89-105. Versailles, France: Ed Quae.
  • Loconto, A.M. and E. Fouilleux 2019. Defining Agroecology. The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 25: 116-137. 
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