This blog, originally published in the Rooted Magazine, explores the systematic destruction of land, life and nature over the past agonising months, and the long-constructed vulnerabilities resulting from Israel’s policy of occupation, blockade and now …
Public procurement powering agroecological transformation in Europe
This blog, originally published in the Rooted Magazine, argues that European agriculture, societies and economies could be transformed if only a fraction of the continent’s municipal procurement contracts were awarded to small-scale organic and agroecological …
Opinion: How informal policies of care shape agroecological food systems
In this blog, originally published in the Rooted Magazine, authors Jessica Milgroom and Josh Brem-Wilson reflect on how communities and cultures have developed informal policies that are based on a shared set of values, which play …
Call for Papers : Transformations of Foodways – Coloniality, Resistance and Resurgence
SPECIAL ISSUE Journal of Agrarian Change Are you working on foodways, traditional foods, food systems, food sovereignty, agroecology, peasant movements or related themes? Please consider contributing to our upcoming Special Issue in the Journal of …
A Gandhian approach to dialogue: The adversary is not the enemy
In this blog, part of our Food Sovereignty and Spirituality series, AgroecologyNow interviewed Siddharta, founder of Pipal Tree India, about the role of spirituality and religion in social action for climate justice, gender justice and …
Green Deal, farmers’ protests: we need new narratives to support food system transformation
In this statement, activist scholars show how the European Union’s current legislative response to waves of farmer protests across Europe is failing both farmers and society, in Europe and elsewhere. They identify the toxic narratives …
Agroecology: A Labor of Love
In this blog, Ayana Curran-Howes and Nils McCune at the UVM Institute for Agroecology explore what agroecology represents to the millions of workers that produce the food that humans eat. What kind of liberation does …
“The food sovereignty movement must be anti-caste”: An Interview with Dalit, Adivasi and other members of the Food Sovereignty Alliance in India
In this article, part of our Food Sovereignty and Spirituality series, members of the Food Sovereignty Alliance (FSA) in India share about their fight against the dominant Brahmanical patriarchal ideology which is at the root of the caste …
Remote Control and Peasant Intelligence
New report exposes how digitalization and artificial intelligence risk undermining peasant knowledge and autonomy. Digital technologies are often touted as a silver bullet to respond to the interconnected crises of food, climate and biodiversity. Although …
Support Gaza Palestine
As a scholar-activist collective, AgroecologyNow! works with civil society groups and networks who cultivate and take care of the land, strive to retain and pass on their knowledge, and struggle to protect their people and …
Autumn school report ‘Ways of Knowing for Agroecological Transitions’
We are happy to share with you the report from the 7-day Autumn school that AgroecologyNow co-convened at Monkton Wyld Court in Dorset, UK in October 2022. The school was an attempt to highlight the …
Agroecology Blooms in Vermont: Announcing the UVM Institute for Agroecology
The University of Vermont (USA) launches a new Institute for Agroecology (IFA) that works with and for farmers, Indigenous people, social movements, and communities who are driving change in Vermont and around the world. Through …
Launch of Special Issue on Participatory Action Research in a Time of COVID and Beyond
The outbreak of COVID-19 in early 2020 was a challenge for any practitioner intent on engaging in authentic dialogue for people-centered, place-based transformative praxis with the most marginalized in society–be they in Europe or the …
Ecofeminism and Meat Substitutes: A Critical Discussion
The author, Anouk Dijkman, is a student in the MSc Programme of Food Sovereignty, Water and Resilience, a transdisciplinary post-graduate degree at Coventry University (UK). In this blog, which builds on her research work in …
Call for Contributions: Policies for Agroecology to Support Healthy and Just Food Systems
Do you have experiences, examples, stories or insights about how policy can support (or undermine) agroecology? Consider submitting an article to the first issue of the newly named magazine, ‘Rooted: Agroecology, Cultures and Foodways’ (formerly …
Agroecology must open up to additional dimensions of transformation
The IX International Congress of Agroecology, held in Seville, Spain in January 2023, inquired into how academics perceive the current crisis in the primary sector of the economy affecting natural resources, and what activist-scholars engaged …
New podcast episode: Where Indigenous feminisms and food sovereignties meet
Destruction of Indigenous women and of Indigenous food systems were two powerful weapons used by colonists to conquer the North American continent. Today, stories of recovering traditional foodways are braided in with stories of re-making …
Agroecology – A promising alternative to the Biodiversity crisis in Agriculture and Industrial Food Systems
Agroecology builds biodiversity into agriculture and food systems and should be a focus of global biodiversity conservation efforts as if lives and nature depend on it – because they do. The world’s nations are currently …
Gaza’s Food Systems Under Siege
I recently visited Gaza, where I work with partners on transdisciplinary research called Gaza Foodways with over 160 women farmers and processors (members of the Urban Women Agripreneur Forum – UWAF). After two years of …
Putting Indigenous knowledge into practice for climate change: the Tribal Adaptation Menu
Indigenous knowledge offers invaluable insights for how to approach climate change. This article describes a tool called the Tribal Adaptation Menu that provides a set of concrete, practical strategies, approaches and tactics for how to …
Agroecology Now! co-delivers first Autumn School on ‘Ways of Knowing for Agroecological Transitions’
As part of the RISE ATTER project, Agroecology Now! staff co-designed1 and delivered a 7-day event at Monkton Wyld Court in Dorset, UK. The main objective of this week-long collective space was to bring together …
“Spirituality is deeply anti-systemic”: An interview with Indigenous Thinker Antonio Gonzalez from the Aj Mayon Collective in Guatemala
In this article, part of our Food Sovereignty and Spirituality series, indigenous thinker and activist Antonio Gonzalez from Guatemala talks about the importance of spirituality in Indigenous Peoples struggles to recover and affirm their identity …
Ecofeminism, agroecology, food sovereignty and African philosophy: Exploring values in contemporary social movements
This article is written by Frederique Bosveld, Masters student in International Development Studies specialising in Inclusive Innovation, Communication, and Development at Wageningen University (WUR). African philosophy Preface by Birgit Boogaard. Birgit teaches courses on African …